Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...



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E Safety

Please see document here about safety online

Please see document here about what parents need to know about XBox

and here for what parents need to know about PS5

At St Mary's, we understand that our children's safety is paramount both in the real world and in today's forever-growing electronic world. 
We realise that technology is a wonderful thing and getting better day-by-day. The use of technology has increased dramatically over the years and the world we live in today relies heavily upon it. For this reason it is crucial that the children in today's society learn the skills needed in ICT. We promote this by incorporating the use of computers and other electronic devices in school, such as digital cameras, as well as creating as many cross-curricular links with ICT in as many of our lessons as possible.
We now send home at the beginning of the year an Acceptable Use Policy.  This is a contract for parents and children to read together and sign that they agree to follow the school rules for using the internet.
As a school we follow the SMART approach to E Safety.

The Five SMART E-Safety Areas are as follows:

S – Safe – This gives the children an overview of how to keep safe on the internet, from what information to share online to who you are speaking to. As well as this the children are advised when and where to use personal devices, such as mobile phones and Ipods.

– Meeting – This makes the children aware that meeting someone online is extremely dangerous and that it should not be done under any circumstances. ‘Online Friends Stay Online!'

A – Accepting - This focuses on potential problems that can arise from opening unknown files, emails, texts, etc.

R – Reliable – This shows the children how easy it is to be misled either on the internet or over the phone, via text. In addition, the children are made aware of the fact that not all the information they find and read online is always true.

T – Tell – This highlights the fact that it is vital to tell somebody, like a friend, Teacher, parent and now an E-Safety Ambassador if they have got any issues. We also cover Cyber-Bulling and its effects.

These are update guides to help keep your child safe at home.

There is a link here to the NSPCC website which helps parents and children have a better understanding of staying safe online.  There are videos, posters and guides for you to download to help you keep your child safe at home.  Click here to visit the website.
The NSPCC have also brought out a website to give parents advice on the different apps and networks your child might use. Visit http://www.net-aware.org.uk/ for more information.
Click here for the NSPCC's guide for parents.




"The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our children’s. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much."

You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, you might wonder whether what they are doing is safe and you might also be thinking, "how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline?"  (Thinkuknow)

The above site aims to make online parenting simple.





www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/e-safety/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/ict/history_impact_ict/esafety/activity



Parental guide - Playstation

Parental guide - Apple

Parental guide - Nintendo switch

Parental guide - WiiU

Parental guide - XBOX family

Parental guide - XBOX 360

Parental guide - XBOX one

Parental guide - Nintendo 3DS






Online world